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Strategic Integrated Public Relations Campaign
Created for the El-Hindi Center for Dialogue and Action

The El-Hindi Center for Dialogue and Action (CDA) is a Central New York-based non-profit organization that is dedicated to gathering diverse groups of people to build mutual understanding and trust. Dialogue sessions detail community discrepancies while encouraging equitable inclusion and understanding across racial, ethnic and religious lines.


This public relations campaign was adopted in an effort to increase overall awareness of the CDA and participation in their dialogue services. Doing so would broaden their social and public reach, increasing potential donors/donations received and their capacity to enact meaningful and lasting social change. 

SWOT and Situational Analysis

A situational evaluation of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats facing the CDA. Such analysis identfies the source of concern/opportunity, involved and affected parties, reason for concern or opportunity for the CDA, and results if such problem/concern is not resolved or realized. 

Competitive Review

Generated using secondary research to create an organizational analysis of the CDA. This includes a communications and public relations review, or the CDA's current communications, and competitive/competitor review (alternate organizations aiming to reach similar audiences/have a similar goal and how such competitors are doing so). 

Personas/Public Analysis

A persona is a hypothetical representation created to depict a model consumer, participant or public of the client. The CDA's proposed personas and public analysis detail the CDA's target publics and their demographic, psychographic, influencers, and media habits through customer, non-customer and competitor surveying.

Client Presentation on Research/Goals

Presented to the CDA following the completion of the initial research phase. Included are research findings and outlined strategic goals and objectives suggesting courses of action for the CDA client.

Rebranding Message

The core messages/themes of the campaign generated for the CDA. Campaign slogan, phrases, messages and images drafted for inclusion.

Goals and Objectives, Strategies and Tactics

Campaign goals are the enabler to potential solutions to the organizational problems of the CDA. Objectives refer to the changes necessary move the client towards the campaign goals. Campaign strategies are the action plan that steer the client towards the desired goals/elicit a desired behavior, while tactics refer to the physical steps and actions taken to reach such goals. 

Outlined Goals and Objectives, Strategies and Tactics

Final Tactics (Implemented)

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